The 6 Most Common Types of Cancer Explained

Cancer is a serious health problem for many people. About one in every two Americans will get this disease sometime in their life. However, some types of cancer might not be as common but can still affect the lives of others.

People who are diagnosed with cancer often worry, as it is known to be a terminal disease. However, that’s not always the case. Today, if you catch it early, there is a chance you can survive the illness if you start treatment early and seek oncology support in Knoxville, TN, or at a similar clinic near you. Read on to learn more about the 6 most common types of cancer and what type might fit you or someone you know!

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer and it kills more people than any other type of cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that it will cause about 164,000 deaths. It can develop from one of several things: smoking, passive smoking, exposure to asbestos, radon gas, or other environmental carcinogens. Almost anything that increases your risk for lung cancer can also increase your risk for other types of cancers as well.

The primary sign that someone may have lung cancer is a persistent cough or trouble breathing. However, many people with lung cancer don’t experience any signs until the disease has advanced quite a bit. Tests that can determine if someone has lung cancer include a chest X-ray and blood tests. This is to look for abnormalities in the levels of certain proteins in the blood.

Treatment for lung cancer typically includes surgery to remove the tumour. Treatment can also be with radiation therapy to kill any remaining cells in the tumour area.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. The breast is a glandular organ that produces milk for nursing infants and children. Breast cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body (metastasize) if they are not treated.

Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast grow out of control (mutate). These abnormal cells may start to form tumours. Tumours are collections of cells that have become abnormally large and have spread beyond their normal limits. If left untreated, these tumours can grow quickly and cause serious damage to your breast tissue.

There are three main types of breast cancer: ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer and accounts for about 75% of cases. Lobular carcinoma is the second most common and accounts for about 15% of cases. Invasive carcinoma is rare and accounts for less than 5% of cases.

While the occurrence of breast cancer may not be prevented entirely, the chances can be lowered. Undergoing mammogram screening in Vernon, NJ, or wherever you live at regular intervals may help in the early detection and intervention of the disease. Regular physical examinations are a must for high-risk individuals. Besides these, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by limiting alcohol intake and quitting smoking can also help. Keep in mind that females with a family history of the disease, who are overweight or obese, and above the age of 50 should pay attention and take proactive measures to reduce their chances of getting breast cancer.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women in the United States. It is caused by HPV, a virus that can be spread through sexual contact. HPV can also be spread through close contact with an infected person’s saliva or mucus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 25% of all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. However, the virus can also cause other types of cancers. These include uterine cancer, anal cancer, and oropharyngeal cancer.

There is no known cure for cervical cancer, although there are treatments available that can help improve the patient’s health. Patients typically receive surgery to remove the abnormal tumour and some radiation therapy to destroy any remaining cells in the tumour area. If the patient has not already done so, they may also receive chemotherapy or hormone therapy to prevent their symptoms from getting worse. There is a 1-in-5 chance that cervical cancer will return after treatment, but most patients survive it if treated early enough.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men, according to the American Cancer Society. It accounts for around one-third of all male cancers. The prostate is a small gland located just below the bladder and behind the rectum. The prostate secretes semen, helps to control urination, and produces other hormones. Prostate cancer can develop from the cells that make up the prostate or from the surrounding tissue. The most common type of prostate cancer is called adenocarcinoma.

There is evidence to support that taking prostate supplements can help with the urinary symptoms associated with prostate conditions. Looking for natural prostate support? You can find prostate supplements made with natural ingredients designed to reduce the prostate size. These supplements can also help with urination hesitancy and other symptoms of prostate cancer. However, make sure to check with your doctor first to ensure that you are able to take them during your treatment.

Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a dangerous form of cancer that affects the central nervous system. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. The most common symptoms of brain cancer are nausea, headaches, seizures, and changes in vision. Thankfully, with the aid of technological tools and the availability of effective treatments (such as gamma knife radiosurgery), brain cancer can be diagnosed and treated quickly, potentially saving the lives of many patients.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States and the third leading cause of death from cancer. It accounts for about 30% of all cancers diagnosed in men and 20% of all cancers diagnosed in women. Pancreatic cancer is also the most common cause of death from cancer in people over 65 years old.

There are several types of pancreatic cancer, but most forms are either ductal or pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Ductal pancreatic cancer arises from the cells that make up the tubes that carry digestive juices and bile out of the pancreas. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma arises from more diffuse cells throughout the pancreas.

There is no definitive cause for pancreatic cancer. But it is often linked to lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking excessively, and eating a high-fat diet. Other risk factors include being overweight or obese, having a family history of pancreatic cancer, and having certain genetic mutations.

The best way to protect oneself against pancreatic cancer is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and moderate amounts of protein. Exercise can also help reduce your risk for this type of cancer. If you notice any signs or symptoms related to pancreatic cancer (such as abdominal pain, jaundice, changes in bowel habits, or weight loss), you should see a doctor immediate

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